BeeGuards: Exciting European Research Project Set to Commence |
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BeeGuards: Exciting European Research Project
Set to Commence
After a competitive two-stage evaluation
process, the BeeGuards project was selected as one of two research projects for
the "Resilient beekeeping" call funded under the Horizon Europe framework
(HORIZON-CL6-2022-BIODIV-02). The BeeGuards consortium, coordinated by Dr
Cecilia Costa from the Italian Agricultural research Council (CREA), consists
of 27 partners including scientists, beekeepers and beekeeping associations,
consulting and technology companies, from 16 countries. The 4-year project
starting in October 2023, aims to provide sustainable management practices,
novel breeding strategies, and digital and forecasting tools that will allow
the beekeeping sector to adapt to a changing environment. In the field,
BeeGuards will perform studies in 11 countries in Europe and beyond, applying
innovative threshold-based management practices, using hives equipped with
digital sensors. This will support the work of beekeepers by providing
guidelines for the adaptation of beekeeping practices to present and future
challenges. BeeGuards will perform complementary immunological, behavioural,
pathological, genomic and ecological studies that will serve to elucidate how
management, climate and environment act on honey bees and other pollinators.
Beekeepers, farmers and citizens will be involved via a WikiBeedia and by
citizen-science and carbon footprint studies to ensure that research findings
are directly translated into useful/good practices for end users.
 The BeeGuards project has received funding from
the European Union's Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under
Grant Agreement No 101082073.
This publication reflects the views only of the
author, and the European Union cannot be held responsible for any use which may
be made of the information contained therein.